“Cruise Control” is a track from the same-titled EP by US producer David Price a.k.a SYNC.EXE, whose wonderful music has often been featured on the platform. Only 17 years old, the talented keyboardist, drummer, and singer tinkers around with genres like lofi hip hop, jazz-hop and chillhop and keeps on delivering exquisite music.

Soft and vibrant at the same time, “Cruise Control”, which is created in collaboration by producer and multi-instrumentalist Ian Ewing, will give you a good taste of the EP. The track is saturated with diverse components which animate the production and bring different nuances of tranquillity to the picture. At one point you might feel like you’re somewhere in nature, in a cave with some water dripping nearby, at another you’ll imagine night-cruising around town.

If you like the track, feel free to dive into the whole EP: