It’s not so often that you’ll encounter a song with such powerful bounce on this platform, but when it happens, keep in mind there’s more to it than you think.
The mighty drum presence on HVOB‘s latest release might slightly bruise your ears, only for the gentle vocals to heal them, creating a captivating contrast. “Bruise” awakens and enlightens, pumping up your pulse to get up and dance your worries away.
I loved the combination between the punchy beat and the rather soft aesthetics of the video, which makes the work of art complete. Here’s what the duo shares on it:
In dance, soul becomes body. Whenever body and soul become one, the human being is ultimately vulnerable. We asked 12 people to dance their pain away. To overcome their fears, worries, shame. To give themselves freedom. No one is better or worse than the other, everyone is different, everyone has the liberty to be their true selves.
“Bruise” is the first track of HVOB’s upcoming album. The eight tracks from TOO will be released individually and sporadically. This way, the album grows into an eventual whole over a period of six months. The eighth and final track will be released to coincide with the start of the world tour in April 2022.