‘Ukiyo’ is a term rooted in Japanese history which loosely translates to “Floating World”. This track reflects the joy that can be associated with a period of Order which can be euphoric at times. My aim here was to create a track that represented this, embodying the good feeling of having all your ducks in a row in any area of your life. It can feel like you’re coasting through the day and nothing can go wrong. My thought process behind Ukiyo is that it is that pipe dream of what you envision your life would be like if everything was exactly how you imagined things were going to be. This vision is a floating mirage in the distance, a perfect idea in an imperfect world.
The story behind the video ties in with the theme of a “floating World”. Throughout we see various shots of people looking up towards the sky, it becomes apparent that what they are looking at is this floating world in the distance. They are trying to achieve a perfect life through complete order. But despite this, they are never quite able to reach it, it still remains a mirage in the distance that is impossible to attain, and we are shown in the final shot the fruits of their labour. A loving family, a car and a house, all the signs of a fulfilling life… At least at surface level that is.