Following the murder of George Floyd and continued protests nationwide, police reform activists Campaign Zero has launched 8 Can’t Wait, a database that tracks major cities’ employment of eight policies that are proven to curtail police violence.

“Data proves that together these eight policies can decrease police violence by 72%,” the project states, citing a 2016 Campaign Zero study.

The eight policies include banning chokeholds and strangleholds, banning shooting at moving vehicles, exhausting all alternatives before shooting, requiring that all use of force be reported, requiring a warning before shooting, requiring officers to stop another officer from using excessive force, and limiting the types of force and/or weapons that can be used to respond to specific types of resistance.

“The average police department reviewed has adopted only three of the eight policies identified as placing clear restrictions on police use of force,” the study reported. “No police department has implemented all eight.”

In the case of New York City, police only adhere to four of the eight policies, while Baltimore applies seven of the eight. For each city listed at 8 Can’t Wait, the website also provides the contact information for the mayor’s office. “Contact your mayor or sheriff right now to let them know: eight can’t wait,” the site says.

Following the launch of 8 Can’t Wait, the site’s corresponding hashtag began trending on social media: