Chalumeau, the genre-blending duo of Katherine Bergeron and Butch Rovan, has released their latest single, “Candombe“, a high-energy anthem of resilience, transformation, and emotional liberation. With its infectious Afro-Latin rhythms and evocative lyrics, the track explores the emotional journey from heartbreak to self-empowerment, inviting listeners to not only move on the dance floor but to move forward in life as well.
The song begins with a raw expression of vulnerability: “How can you stay if nobody wants you?” This question, voiced in moments of deep emotional pain, becomes the catalyst for a dramatic transformation. “Candombe” moves from an exploration of loss and betrayal to an energetic declaration of renewal and strength, shifting the question from confusion to self-empowerment. The track’s powerful rhythm, driven by Butch Rovan’s reinterpretation of the candombe, an Afro-Latin rhythm from Uruguay, underscores this emotional evolution. The beat, layered horns, and tight percussion create a pulse that drives the song’s story forward, mirroring the protagonist’s journey from despair to clarity.
Katherine Bergeron’s lyrical depth and emotive vocal delivery bring the song to life, perfectly capturing the internal tension of realizing that letting go is sometimes the path to freedom. “In our songwriting classes, Butch and I often talk about the kind of transformation that can happen during a song’s bridge. The bridge is not just another verse: it’s a gauntlet the song passes through to find a different side of itself, a different truth. That’s essentially what happens in “Candombe”. ” She explains further, “At the bridge, everything changes—harmony, melody, mood, declamation, instrumentation, perspective—as the singer faces reality and sees that the relationship she’s been in is a one-way street.”
Butch Rovan’s inventive musical arrangements and his exploration of non-traditional instruments give “Candombe“ its unique flavor. His use of the candombe rhythm, originally learned from a Uruguayan musician, brings a fresh and contemporary twist to the traditional Afro-Latin beat. “The biggest surprise for this song was how well the horn section amplified the basic groove. The horns become like another persona, shouting from the sidelines, as in a call and response. The singer says ‘You can’t!’ and, in the gap, the horns shout back ‘Can!’ like a musical exclamation point.“
The music video for “Candombe” further emphasizes the song’s themes of resilience. Shot in striking black and white, the video features dancers whose movements reflect the spirit of the song: transforming hardship into strength and finding joy in renewal. The visuals amplify the track’s message that, even in moments of sorrow, there is room for reinvention and the power to move on.
Through their collaboration, Katherine and Butch continue to create music that blends genres, cultures, and emotional experiences. “Candombe” is a perfect example of their ability to channel heartbreak into a powerful anthem of moving forward. It’s a song for anyone who has ever felt broken and needed to find a way to move on—and to do so with power, pride, and rhythm.