Oscar Jerome is back with an absolute blast this year – his “Sweet Isolation” blew me away, both musically & visually.
A few weeks after the release of the debut single off his upcoming album, he released a magnificent alternate version, featuring the titans at Metropole Orkest (who’s shared stages with Ella Fitzgerald, Dizzy Gillespie, and Pat Metheny). Oscar elaborates:
I had been thinking that “Sweet Isolation” would sound great with strings and it was a shame I didn’t think of that while making the track. Not long after this thought we received an email from Metropole Orkest saying they were looking to do some collaborations with artists as they couldn’t perform because of restrictions. It was as if they heard me. I had a chat with Nicholas Urie who then made an arrangement of my song for the orchestra. He did an amazing job in a very short time. We then sat in the session remotely (me in UK, Nicholas in the US and the orchestra in Netherlands) the wonders of modern technology… I then recorded my parts from my home. This was a really amazing experience and I hope to be able to do the same thing in person one day.