“Break the Silence” from British Classical Crossover superstar Summer Watson will make you feel like everything is at its right place at the right time, and that perfection is sometimes possible. Emotional but never too sentimental, powerful yet tender to the core, inspiring and fulfilling, “Break the Silence” will make your heart pump and stop and repeat that process like crazy from the mesmerizing beauty of it. Filled with soul-stirring piano and string arrangements, and blessed with Summer’s ethereal soprano, “Break the Silence” will find its place in your heart right after the very first tunes.
It empowers the audience to be warriors, to continue living no matter how hard it can get sometimes. The song tells the artist’s truth. Summer herself was the warrior; she has won her battle with cancer, she has won all psychological battles connected to physical changes, and she has come out from the other end of her journey even stronger. Her story deserves to be heard and inspire others to fight for their lives, to live to the fullest. When life wins over death, we need to manifest it, and Summer does that perfectly.