“Sleeping Under Stars” is one of the perfect ways to end a frantic Monday, which makes it more than relevant entry!

Any track under the lo-fi label nowadays carries a certain risk of being dismissed as something like a desktop-to-desktop muzak with little to zero value beyond being barely noticeable background. This is due to the rapid influx of new artists and music that keep emerging on what seems to be a daily basis. That being said, there are pieces like Kasper Lindmark’s “Sleeping Under Stars” that manage to perfectly encapsulate the lo-fi essence.  

The track is an elegant dance between out of tune guitars, sly piano keys, and electronica that fades in and out. Now, I know that ‘out of tune guitars’ isn’t exactly the party starter for most people. The thing is Kasper manages to find the exact spot where those strings not only don’t sound annoying, but actually bring out a psychedelic, almost otherworldly vibe. The drumming is light and gentle, but enough to make you feel insensibly floating into a soothing dream-like state.

You won’t find it hard to imagine yourself somewhere in the wildlife, beneath a star-studded sky, contemplating. Is there something more to ask for from a track titled “Sleeping Under Stars”?